The Latest IT Trends in Your Industry  
The following publications provide industry insight and will help you stay current on the latest technology and advancements in your field. Click on the publication name to go directly to the hottest stories.
Financial Services
Bank Systems & Technology — the only publication targeted specifically to the most powerful IT buyers in the banking industry.
Compliance Pipeline — comprehensive news and information on all aspects of compliance including government updates, products and services, best practices and related links.
FinanceTech — Wall Street, banking and insurance news on networking and system and technology breakthroughs.
Technology and Software
CIO — salient ideas and top stories on a variety of IT trends, issues and solutions for business technology leaders.
Information Week — breaking industry news on Windows, security, outsourcing, the Internet, software and hardware, management, and research and tools.
InfoWorld — from product launches to strategic alliances and mergers, the latest stories on applications, security, networking, wireless, data management, storage and more.
Life Sciences and Healthcare
Bio-IT World — top news on the indispensable technologies driving discovery, development and clinical trials.
Health Management Technology — top stories to help government and healthcare organizations better manage data and technology.
Energy and Utilities
Compliance Pipeline — comprehensive news and information on all aspects of compliance including government updates, products and services, best practices and related links.
Electric Energy — oil and gas industry news including top stories on new products and technology.